Friday, February 13, 2009

Let's Get Naked - For Christ

Ok. I have to start this one by saying that this may offend some (especially the title) but I feel led to share it, so here goes...

Genesis 8 In the cool of the evening, the man and his wife heard the LORD God walking around in the garden. So they hid from the LORD God among the trees in the garden. 9 The LORD God called to the man and asked him, "Where are you?" 10 He answered, "I heard you in the garden. I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid." 11 God asked, "Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat fruit from the tree I commanded you not to eat from?"

Before sin, we were naked. (more on this in a later post)

There is a very disturbing trend in the body of Christ. We have somehow become a people that wants to hide everything...well, not everything. There are two main things we are trying to hide.

Mistakes/Sin - Somewhere down the line, we decided that is was better to hide our sins. Many of us have done wrong, and rather than telling anyone we cover it up. I am reminded of a time when I was in about the 3rd grade. I was supposed to be writing a daily journal for school, and my Mom was supposed to sign so that she knew I was doing it. Me, and my procrastinating self did not do the daily journal. When it was time to turn it in, I paniced. I wrote a bunch of stuff (wish I had it now) and then forged my Mom's signature. Oops, I messed up so I erased it and tried again. Oops again, one more time....Long story short it took several attempts to get it right. There was a couple problems. A, I was doing it in ink, which for some did not erase real well. B, you remember how notebook paper does the more you erase in one spot? I am laughing at my dumb self as I type this. It looked crazy!!!! Then, like an idiot....I turned it in. The rest of the story I will not share. Like Steve Harvey, he ain't through wit me yet.

Blessings - How crazy is it for God to bless us and us not even be able to tell other saved folk around us. How many times did God bless you with a huge some of money, and you kept it quiet so your friends would not come a callin? How many times did God bless you with a luxury car, and you did not tell too many people right away for fear that they would think you were rich. Ever saw a handsome dude, and did not tell him for fear that he would think you were comin' on to him? Guys, have you seen a beautiful lady and did not tell her cause you were afraid of what could happen.

Have you ever wanted to share with co-workers your faith, but did not because it is politically incorrect. They cuss around you, tell dirty jokes, but you cannot say Jesus around them. Here is the many times have you seen someone in the same sin you were in, and did not reach out to them....cause you didn't want anybody to know.

What's the problem? Glad you asked! You never know who might need to know what you are trying to cover up. I have found in my struggles that there are many people around me that are fighting the same battles. Problem is, we keep our mouths shut.

Why do we do this? Shame, humility (why we might not share blessings),doctrine (I call it 'name it claim it'...we are taught to only see the good stuff and not the bad)

IMPORTANT NOTE - I am not telling you to go out and put your life on blast (tell your business, for the older folk). As in every other move in your life, what you see MUST be led by the Spirit. What I am suggesting to you is that I believe God has been trying to get us to share things, and we have stayed silent. The bible says that we overcome by our testimonies. Our lives are testimonies of God's goodness, and delivering power. The gospel Hip Hop artist said that our lives are open books, how does yours read. The ironic thing is that we have tried so hard to make ourselves look good, that the world sees us as phoneys....or to use their word hypocrites.

So what should I do? I've gotta ask God to forgive me for being quite, when I should have spoken....for committing one of the biggest sins....disobedience. From this day on, I will listen when he tells me to speak, and when he tells me to shut my mouth.

Christ came to put us on course to return to intimicy with be continued


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