Sunday, February 22, 2009

Salad #53 - Where's the Change?

Ok, to answer the question in your mind, no I am not on a diet. But, I know a couple people who are. It is amazing how the first of a new year causes us to want to change. Not sure if it is the drunkin party for some, a sudden realization of mortality....regrets about the mistakes of the past year...a unexplainable feeling of expectancy for the new year.

So, its Day 53...where are you? I have been eating sympathy salads on some days with a buddy of mine who's on a diet. He has eaten a salad almost everydya. I'm not really trying hard to lose weight, but I feel guilty sitting with him eating a salad, and me eating a double quarter with chees, no onions, no pickles, supersize fries, and a large Coke with easy ice. Why, cause change is hard enough as it is. My friend does not need me reminding him of the mistakes of his past.

Change is hard! Why, cause by nature, it is easier to keep going the way we are going. If I am driving down a highway, it takes almost no effort to keep going. Changing paths requires a turn signal, brakes, checking traffic, making sure you have the right exit. It's a work out. It reminds me of a church outing. We were going to Buncomb Baptist Church. Ya'll this church was waaaayyyy in the sticks. I had some real nice directions that I was following real well. 52 South to exit ###. Make a right. Make a left at Knootz road when you see Tarheel Q. Hmmm. I see the restaurant, but no Knootz road. I drive....and drive....Ok. now I am not so sure now. I did see a Koontz Road at the restaurant.

Decision time. Do I keep going or do I turn around? Better make a phone call....I call the number and their was a typo on the directions. It was Koontz. Now I am 15-20 minutes out of the way, and I am already running late.

Ben, why in the world did you tell me all that. I tell you that because such is our road to the change God desires for us. At the beginning of this year, change was in the air. We had just elected the first black president. Our econony was hitting rock bottom, bouncing a few times off the bottom. The words of an old Thomas Whitfield tune come to mind....

"We need a word from the Lord,
A word from the Lord,
Just one word from the Lord,
Can remove all the doubts.
And cause the sun to shine,
and give us peace of mind,
Speak lord.....speeeeek"

Vicki Winans redid the tune and added this

"Your latter will be greater than your past"

Yes change is still coming. For some it may not have manifested. My buddy has not lost as much as he would like, but he has made progress. In your case, there was no typo on the directions God gave. You heard him right. You are on the right path. This time you are in a better place. God had to take you through the worst of times, in order to bring you into the best of times.

A preacher preached this morning about the prayer of Jabez. If you have not read it NOW! God desires to birth you into your latter. Your destination is just ahead. It will not take another New Year's broken promise. This is your year.

Receive this word. It is so.

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