Friday, June 5, 2009

Lost and Found

There was a little girl walking in her neighborhood one day. There were some woods that she loved to go walking through. Her parents always told her "make sure you stay on the path", and she always did. One day, she got bored with the path and saw a clearing. She had past it so many times before, never being tempted to stray from the path...but today was different. She told will be ok....I can find my way back.

So, off she went....she walked...and walked....and walked. After a while, it started to get dark. She realized that she need to get back to the path. "I just need to go that way", she said. As she looked around, she realized she did not know which way to go. She was hours from the path, and could not remember how she got there...and how to get back.

You write the ending...

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