Monday, November 8, 2010

Matters of the Heart: Heart Attacks

Let's see if I remember how to do this (blog) lol...

"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it [are] the issues of life." Prov 4:23

God has had me writing a book for the last couple years..."Matters of the Heart". Some of you may remember my posts on those lines. Today I want to deal with heart attacks. I know several people who have been affected by heart attacks...many survived, some did not. What's a heart attack? I'm not a physician, but I do know a couple causes...

Blockages - Often a heart attack is caused when something flowing threw it (in our blood) blocks the passage in the heart. Usually, it's not all at once...but a gradual build up. That's the natural heart. In the spirit, it's very much the same. For many of us, we store what others vent. The problem is, when we don't release, our hearts get clogged.

Congestion - I think some heart attacks are caused by fluid building around the the point the heart is not free to do what it does...pump.

You've gone too long without taking due care of your heart. What are you holding? What did "they" do, that "they" have long forgotten, but you hold on to? Today....let it go. Yeah...I know... "That's easy for you to say Ben!"

There's so much more I can deal with..but that's it for this moment. Let go.

God, I pray for everyone that will read this that is holding on to hurt, to offence, pain from a bad relationship, hurt from a parent, rejection, malice, molestation, rape, being taken for granted, adultery, anything that is clogging their heart. I pray a supernatural heart surgery. God, you did it for David, create in us a clean heart. A clean is so. God, we have been dealing with symptoms...when we need to get to the heart of the matter...the matters of the heart. I pray healing.

It is so.