Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Let Patience Have Its Perfect Work

LA Mass Choir
"That's When He Blessed Me"

My life was torn beyond repair
I felt so alone, seemed no one cared
You came along, gave me a song
To ease the pain and erase the straing

You could have left me standing there
With no one, no one to care
But You promised me You'd be there on time
And You did just what You said

Against all odds, I made the choice
To give You my life, now I rejoice
You answered my prayers not a moment to soon
Your word I embraced, my sins you erased


That's when You bless me
That's when You bless me
(Lord, You brought me through, now I'm brand new)

That's when You bless me
That's when You bless me
(Lord, You promised me You would hear my plea)
And You did just what You said.

"But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." James 1:4

Ok. I'm gonna be real transparent (getting naked for Christ....hint my blogs on the subject) on this one. I do not like to wait on things. If I am riding down highway 52 in the morning, and one lane is moving slower than the other, I will change lanes. If I pull up to the fancy new McDonalds on MLK and one line is backed, Ben is in the other one. If my kids are taking too long to get out the car, Ben is saying "Come one" (I bet I have said that 2543 times since being a father). If my computer get's slow, I'm tryin to figure out why. If someone is taking to long to change, I'm helping them out. If what God has promised me is not here, I'm goin to look for it.

What's the problem here? His ways are not our ways, His thoughts not our thoughts. Right this moment I am dealing with a vehicle situation that I thought was resolved....only to find out I have to wait a while longer. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW UPSET THAT MADE ME...Ben Coleman Jr.....the guy who can't wait for a slow printer to print. What is God saying in this...Ben, you gotta wait. So today, when I was delayed, I got made...then I said "God I trust know what's best"

I am reminded of the tragic events of the Twin Towers in NYC. So much attention was paid to all the people who lost their lives. My heart goes out to each of the families that experience loss. But, even in the midst of tragedy, God was speaking. After the event, stories began to surface about people that were not killed.....because they were late getting to work. Wow. imagine the frustration of the person who was having car trouble and was afraid they were gonna lose their job that day for being lat. What God is showing me is that the steps of a good man are ordered by Him. I spend so much time trying to speed things up, that I forget that there could be a reason I am "late".

Since I have become social, I have talked to so many people. There is a common theme....waiting. People are waiting for a spouse, job, car, many things. A common mistake I have made, and have seen others make, is to take the matters in their own hands. You know what usually happens when you do that. So I am doing like Kirk Franklin's Fight of My Life Track......I am letting go and letting God. "I give up." Ever said that? Well good, because that means it is now in God's hands. And that is when he'll bless you.

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