God is all I need....who needs a man/woman
"Posses this question, if Adam in his perfect unfallin state was the 1rst and closest human to GOD ever, When GOD saw Adam alone why didn't HE just tell Adam I the LORD am all you need? Why did HE give him a Woman? Why do we as Christians say when it comes to seeking marital relationships, all we need is GOD, when GOD said and did something different? Hit the wall.."
My response...
People say that, when they do not fully understand God's will. It sounds good to say, "God is all I need" and "Jesus is my husband"....but that is not God's perfect will....God designed us to be interdependent....man and wife. It is no mistake that we compliment each other. I tell people often that there is significance in the fact that God used the rib to make women....part of the protection for man's heart. It was God's intent for woman to have a direction connection to man's heart, and vice versa. The trouble is, so many women (and I focus on women, only because they are typically the ones saying these phrases), have been hurt by men.....and men hurt by women. In their eyes, that means they don't need a mate, or will never fully trust their mate. This is not God's will.
Look at the first sin...First, Eve made the mistake because she listened to the voice of a sly serpent over God's. I mean these people were not just in God's presence, like I'm in a high time in service "God's Presence". I am talking as close as any man/women has been, yet a snakes voice was louder. Alone comes Adam, and he listen's not to the servant, not to God, but to the woman God gave him.....and here is my point. God intended for woman to be able to speak to man. I believe God knew how stubborn we can be, goal oriented we can be, busy we can be, so he gave a soft voice that we would hear....in times we were not even listening to God. The problem is not in Adam listening to Eve....the problem is that Eve was out of place, and Adam at the same time.
The rest is history.